We already start fasting.
But the main thing i want to say is.................
I told you earlier that i was going to audition for the teachers day concert.
I made it and will be performing next Monday.
soo excited.
but we are a little bit confused..
some of our team mates quit to join another group...
HaHaHathey didn't make it.
But because of that,we have to change our steps so that it will be equal again.
And we have to change our positions too.
Serve them right for quiting our group.
well i just wanna say....
Bye everyone....
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These are my siblings.My sister is cute right?I know.
Of course this pic was taken a few years ago but they still look the same.
This was taken 5 years ago to be exact.
Now my brother has a moustache. ha ha ha.
And my sister still looks as cute as before.
Anyway i am still cuter....(ha ha ha)just kiddin.(but seriously)
Tomorrow our dance group are auditioning for a teachers day concert.
The group includes...Atikah,Deeni,Ili,Raudha,Diana,Putri,Nathanael,Jacintha,Cheryl,Jia Hao and more but i forgot.
We need to wear a red shirt with jeans. I am soo exited.(even when the dance is kinda embarrassing)
Well i cant wait for teachers day.
(my friends and i are making a little project for our form teacher)
Its called.......wait i cant tell you my teacher might see it.
Its like a surprise.Well its from Atikah and i.
The rest of the class helped too.
We cant finish it without their help anyway.
well they still haven't help...its a working progress.
Bye....see ya...tata..:)
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Hey all people.
Ili,if you read my post about my friends,do not be offended.
I'm just
Anyway,I'm back from my holidays.
Well we did not actually stayed in a hotel.
We stayed at my cousin's house.
We came home at 10pm.
We watched a movie after that.
I got a new shirt and hat.
And also a new
baju kurung for
Hari Raya.
Its not that far from today.
We start fasting in 22 august.
Many people does not enjoy fasting.
But somehow,i enjoy fasting.
Well mostly because when we break fast in the evening,my mum cooks better food then normal.
But it
soo fulfilling.
When i fast the whole month-august 22 to 19 September-i get 25 dollars from my parents.
its still tough.
My bro is getting new Rollerblades.
I think he is
soo pro.
I'm serious........NOT.
kiddin.he he he.
he is torturing me now!!!
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Today,we celebrated national day at school.It was boring cause we only get to watch some video clips.I still enjoyed singing cause it is my hobby.
We had to sit on the floor for a long time listening to Mr
Teo's speech.
At least we did not watch the videos at the hall like the primary 1.
My back will ache.
Today,i will be going to my cousin house.(The one that helped me customize my blog)We will be staying there for long ours...
My cousin is
soo cool.
If you want to check out her blog,go to
etc of my blog and click
Kak Camelia.
Around midnight after that,we will go to
Johore Bahru,Malaysia.
My family will stay at my cousin house(different cousin)for one night and stay at a hotel for one night.
I enjoy swimming with them.They are much older than me.
They always teach me how to swim.
I can now swim on my own.I already know how to swim long ago.
We will swim at a place not far from their home.
I have fun with my cousins
every time.Even if they come to tutor my brother.(
Kak Camelia is my brother's tutor)
She has tones of coolness in her.
I'm sure everyone will think so too.
I will be travelling on the Public Holiday(National Day)
The last thing i wanna say is..................................................
Kak is short form for kakak.
Kakak is sister in malay.
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This is me and my best friends.The one at the bottom is Atikah.The one with short hair and a irritating smile is Ili.The cute one between them is Deeni.Im the one at the far right.

This is a photo of me and my friends.
names(from left to right):
Yasira(me),Deeni,Ili and Shi Min
They are my closest friends.
Atikah too but she is not found in this photo.
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You may have have noticed that i only mention three of my idols.
I will continue only mentioning them till further notice.
What am i saying?
I just came home from my Oral and Confidence Course lesson 2.
The teacher was not the same as the first one.
She is more stern than the other teacher but still okay and good.
I missed choir just to attend the course.
I have not seen my choir teacher for 7 days.
Last week we met again after 3 months which was May,June and July.
Last week was still July.
She is my favourite teacher.Not really stern,funny and talented.
I wont see her for a very long time as my course starts at the same time as my choir.
I think the course ends in September.
I miss her soo much.i wish i could see her everyday.
But this is reality.Wishes do not come true.
Unless you work hard to fulfil it.
But how can we fulfil a dream that wont come true even if we work hard.
Maybe it will come true some day.
i only said maybe.
I want to play Nintendo Wii now.
see ya.
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I am soooo tired.I feel like putting my legs into a tub of ice-cream.
The air-conditioner is on but im still hot.
My napfa test just ended and i am sittin under the air-conditioner,bloggin.
I ran a few kilometres and ended up lying on the floor, breathless.
Tonight at 8,i still have martial arts to attend.
I have to run another 17 rounds.
Just running 10 rounds is already very tiring but 27?
I feel like cuttin class but too bad.My siblings join too.
They would surely report me to my mum.
National day is not too far from today.Singapore is turning 44.
My school is celebrating national day this friday,7 august.
two days before the actual day.
Im not really exited.The fact that i am gonna sit on the floor-back aching-watching the concert for hours just makes me uncomfortable.
But the exiting part is that we only have a few hours of school.
And no school on monday.Yipeeeee.
Bye now i have to do my homework!
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This is my new and improved blog.
Thanks to my cuz.
Im really grateful.
My napfa test did not go well.It did not meet up with my expectations.
I only got one A.And it is for the exercise i hate the most.
I also got 3 Bs and one C.
I have no idea what to talk about.I may be boring you right now.
Its just same old boring days over and over again.
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this is some pictures of my idols.
I may not be the biggest fan of Selena.My sis says she is Selena Gomez biggest fan but she does not even know the lyrics to her songs.These are not only my idols.i have much more but i am just to lazy to search for pics.I think Demi can sing very well.She is also very talented.
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I love cats.Maybe you know this maybe you dont.Cute cats are my favourite.Some cute cat pics are posted above.They are very cute.
Too Bad my mum does not allow me to keep a pet.
I AM SAD!!! :(
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I am a fan of Taylor swift.Her songs rock.I am also a fan of Selena Gomez,Demi Lovato and many more.
My blog is going to rock so i hope you will view it when you are free.
At least i think it will.
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